Thursday, February 16, 2023

ChatGPT vs. Google Search: In Head-to-Head Battle, Which One Is Smarter? - Eric Griffith, PC Mag

Why all the hubbub? Preply(Opens in a new window), an online language learning/tutoring site, showcased exactly why in its new report on whether ChatGPT or Google is smarter. Note that it did all this research in January 2023. The field is moving fast, with announcements flying daily from the big companies. Nevertheless, the results Preply found are interesting for anyone following the space—because the clear winner is the technology that has a significant handicap. To test the two, fA three-person team looked at the results garnered from ChatGPT and Google for each question and rated those responses across a number of characteristics, including whether the answer is clear, the level of detail it contains, and whether the result is actionable. The team even checked responses for impartiality and whether the data included is up to date. (Editor Spoiler Alert: "ChatGPT won with a majority in almost every case, except for the time-fluid questions, where Google did better.")