Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Why higher education is losing its lustre as an employer - Nathan M Greenfield, University World News

Top reasons given were dissatisfaction with pay, their present institution’s policies around remote and flexwork, and an ever-increasing workload. “Higher education is in the same boat as many other industries that are looking at ways to retain their employees during the Great Resignation. Higher ed has long relied on its mission, its superior benefits and its relative flexibility to retain employees at lower salaries than would be paid in industry. This is no longer the case. Industry is now providing more flexible work options, better benefits and better pay,” says Jackie Bichsel, director of research for CUPA-HR.

Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Why so many people mistrust science and how we can fix it - Nathan M Greenfield, University World News

Drawing on decades of marketing and psychology research, which show that it is critical to understand your target audience so that a product can be positioned properly in the market, Dr Aviva Philipp-Muller, professor at the Beedie School of Business at Simon Fraser University, and her team determined there are four different reasons why people have anti-science attitudes. Having anatomised the principles behind each attitude, “Why are people anti-science, and what can we do about it?”, published last month in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, proposes strategies to counter each of the four anti-science attitudes.

Monday, August 29, 2022

How to Make the Case for Strategic Investment in IT - Rhea Kelly, Campus Technology

Budget limitations are the biggest barrier to digital transformation in higher education, according to Campus Technology's 2022 Digital Transformation Survey. One key to overcoming that hurdle: Using data to articulate the value of IT and benchmark with peer institutions. In a Q&A session at our recent Campus Technology Leadership Summit, Educause's Leah Lang outlined the resources available through the organization's Core Data Service and how to put together a data-rich argument for investment in IT projects.

Sunday, August 28, 2022

These 7 Habits, Your Leadership Skills Are Probably Better Than Most Bosses- MARCEL SCHWANTES, INC

As a servant leader, your role is to lift up your employees and help them joyfully achieve their goals. When they succeed, you succeed, and the whole organization succeeds. It's a thing of beauty. When you choose to serve first, it's for the other person's benefit. You selflessly focus attention away from yourself and put the spotlight on others. Leaders operating from this orientation get the best out of their employees, which leads to great business results.

Saturday, August 27, 2022

America’s colleges must get into the customer service game because they have failed to meet the needs of all students - Felipe Henao, CNBC

College enrollment has been falling steadily for a decade and, since 2020, student numbers have fallen by 1 million. Many prospective and current students no longer see the value that a college education actually does still afford. U.S. colleges should emulate the customer service innovations of successful private corporations to turn public perceptions around.

Friday, August 26, 2022

How can leaders bridge the gap between higher ed and employers? Lilah Burke, Higher Ed Dive

Partnerships between higher education institutions and employers can be difficult to create, often because of misalignment between the cultures, structures and values of the two groups, according to a July report from California Competes, a nonprofit policy organization focused on higher education. Higher ed leaders could improve employer relations by making industry engagement an expected responsibility of both faculty and staff, said the report, which drew from 28 interviews with people at colleges and employers. 

Thursday, August 25, 2022

5 Higher Ed Trends to Look for Going Into 2023 - Peggy Bresnick, Fierce Education

Institutions are also stepping up to the challenge. The 2022/23 Trends in Higher Education report from Hanover Research details five anticipated new and continued priorities for colleges and universities in the coming year. These trends may help shape higher education over the next 12 months and alter the educational landscape in dramatic ways. Higher education institutions can use these insights to inform their plans and plan for a successful year ahead.

Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Higher Ed, Meet GPT-3: We Will Never Be the Same! - Ray Schroeder, Inside Higher Ed

We have read for years that artificial intelligence will make us more efficient and effective. We’re seeing the impact now in gathering big data, identifying and predicting trends, and providing quick answers to the run-of-the-mill questions from students and others.  We are seeing chat bots supporting those in emotional distress and making referrals. AI is increasingly used for assessments of student learning. These are all valuable and enhance our efficiency and effectiveness. They save money and raise satisfaction. Yet, it is not until you meet “AI face-to-face” in the form of GPT-3 (Generative Pre-trained Transformer 3) that you realize just how overwhelming the impact will be.

Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Having Trouble Hiring at Your College? Try Improving the Jobs. - Kevin R. McClure, EdSurge

Most recently, I thought about it when I read an article in The Chronicle of Higher Education describing a survey of managers in which 84% of respondents said hiring for administrative and staff jobs in the last year had become more difficult. One respondent called the applicant pools in higher education “shallow and weak,” a sentiment echoed in the article’s headline. That language bothered me. It reminded me of those notes restaurant owners had taped to their doors early in the pandemic-era worker shortages: “Closing early today. No one wants to work!” The frequent retort to those notes was that plenty of people wanted to work, they just found better jobs elsewhere. The same is true for higher education searches. 

Monday, August 22, 2022

10 institutions launching metaversities this fall - Todd Brabender, eCampus News

Digital twin campuses will be teeming with students at 10 U.S. colleges and universities this fall. In an effort spearheaded by VictoryXR, with financial support from Meta Immersive Learning, schools from across the United States will launch full courses on metaversity campuses designed as exact replicas of their physical campus. A metaversity is a higher education institution recreated as a digital twin utilizing virtual reality in the metaverse (or at least the early iteration of what will ultimately become a full, global metaverse), according to VictoryXR. 

Sunday, August 21, 2022

The Number 1 Growth Killer Is Leadership Debt - Patrick Flesner, Inc.

Founders seem to believe the no. 1 reason for startup failure was running out of cash. In my experience as a growth capital investor, running out of cash is not a reason for failure, but a consequence of failure. It is the consequence of the founders' failure to develop strong leadership skills, transition from founder to leader, and build a strong leadership team. If you want to lead your business from initial traction to sustainable high growth, you should start developing your leadership skills now. The longer you wait the more leadership debt you incur and the higher the likelihood your startup will not make it through the growth valley of death.  [ed note: this is likely relevant to PCO leadership as well]

Saturday, August 20, 2022

College degrees don’t equate to career readiness - Laura Ascione, eCampus News

By requiring a degree and not focusing on a candidate’s skills or experience, employers are substantially shrinking their potential talent pool.  While U.S. employers say they’re facing a talent crisis that’s threating their business sustainability and growth, the reality is that employers are contributing to the talent crisis with the majority (62 percent) requiring degrees for entry level jobs, and more than a quarter (26 percent) admitting they do so to “filter the candidate pool” or because “that’s the way it’s always been done.” Exposing this outdated mindset, Cengage Group’s 2022 Employability Report (Part 2) of 1,000 U.S. hiring decision makers reveals that one of the biggest drivers causing the talent crisis is the skills mismatch between the current workforce and employers’ needs.

Friday, August 19, 2022

What Is a Cyber Risk Score? - Tanium, Government Technology

Cyber risk scores can be expressed numerically, much like a credit score, or can be presented as percentages, with 100 percent representing complete visibility into all cybersecurity vulnerabilities of the organization. The score shows what percent of the risk has been satisfied by controls, such as effective patch management and monitoring tools.  An organization’s accepted risk will depend on its cybersecurity budget, the ease of mitigating known vulnerabilities and its risk tolerance. The first step in creating a cyber risk score is developing a picture of the risk inherent throughout your organization by prioritizing IT assets and assessing the risk factor for each.

Thursday, August 18, 2022

What Is Innovation Debt? - EJ Widun, Gov Tech

Innovation debt and technical debt result from not evaluating and improving system and platform capabilities. In recent years, government has gotten better at solving for technical debt. All levels of government are making investments to remove the technical risk; however, often these investments are done with the dreaded vision of “like for like.” When governments simply upgrade in a “like for like” manner they miss the opportunity to provide new service improvements for customers: elected officials, citizens, residents, constituents, employees. “Like for like” creates a void in innovation and even negates the ability to have the conversation to pursue system upgrades and achieve innovation at the same time.

Wednesday, August 17, 2022

A New Vision for the Future of Higher Education: Prioritizing Engagement and Alignment - Brian Kibby, Modern Campus

The pandemic shone new light on the need for upskilling, reskilling, and the trend toward lifelong learning. It also changed the trajectory of higher ed as a whole—bringing forward trends and ideas that carry the potential to change lives and communities.   On this episode of the Illumination podcast, host Amrit Ahluwalia is joined by Brian Kibby, the Chief Executive Officer of Modern Campus. The two discuss the role higher education can play as a community builder, and how colleges and universities have an opportunity to be lifelong learning partners for their students.

Tuesday, August 16, 2022

3 ways to combat higher ed skepticism - Amrit Ahluwalia, eCampus News

According to the Georgetown Center for Education and the Workforce, only 60 percent of college graduates earn more than those with only a high school diploma within a decade of graduating. What’s more, at more than 30 percent of all colleges, fewer than half the graduates who leave the institution earn more than high school graduates after 10 years. As a result, the American public is highly skeptical of the value of a college education. A new study from Public Agenda found that more than half of Americans believe a college education to be a questionable investment due to high loans and limited job opportunities. Here are three ways modern college leaders can work to address the skepticism of today’s students.

Monday, August 15, 2022

3 in 5 higher education employees feel unheard at work, survey says - Laura Spitalniak, Higher Ed Dive

More than half of higher education employees, 59%, reported feeling unheard at work, according to a new survey from consultant Grant Thornton. Only 17% of respondents said they are actively looking for a new job, but 49% would consider a switch if a new opportunity presented itself. Faculty and staff also expressed discontent about their pay and compensation. Just 37% said their pay allows them to live the lifestyle they choose. That’s compared to 46% of respondents from Grant Thornton’s cross-sector State of Work in America survey.

Sunday, August 14, 2022

Public trust in colleges lags among Gen Z - Laura Spitalniak, Higher Ed Dive

Universities and colleges will need to strengthen trust among young adults to grow enrollments and endowments, argues a new report from Morning Consult, a decision intelligence firm. Trust in colleges is lower among young adults than any other age group. Just over half of Gen Zers reported at least some trust in U.S. universities, compared to almost 65% of baby boomers. A majority of students and employers, 56% and 54% respectively, indicated trust will play an important role in a university’s future reputation.

Saturday, August 13, 2022

Top Talent -- No Degree or Experience Required - Kelly Main, Inc.

With programs such as the Google Project Management Certificate, an online and self-paced professional certificate course that's available for free through Coursera, Google is abolishing the traditional approach to staffing.  What this means for Google is a tremendous amount of insight into every applicant from a collection of completed assignments. The result is that every applicant is able to provide a portfolio showcasing their work, thought processes, leadership styles, and communication skills. More importantly, the course effectively mimics the role, indicating a candidate's aptitude for a position. 

Friday, August 12, 2022

Teaching Computational Thinking Essential for Future College Students - Annie Galvin Teich, Fierce Education

Computational thinking skills are growing in importance in information processing tasks, especially for college students. By applying a four-step model of problem solving, students learn how to solve problems with computational support. Computational thinking is now an essential literacy that combines four pillars—problem decomposition, pattern recognition, abstraction, and algorithms. This is a way to find solutions to automating a process.

Thursday, August 11, 2022

Online Learning Impacting the Carbon Footprint - Ray Schroeder, Inside Higher Ed

Climate change is heating up -- perhaps online learning is part of the solution.  Certainly, not all of the campus utilities savings during campus closures represent the net sum of expenditures/savings since those faculty, staff and students who are not on campus continue to use some utilities elsewhere for climate control and other daily needs. And, yet, there are undeniable energy/pollution savings from eliminating the daily commuting costs, greatly reducing the paper product costs, and other actions that shift face-to-face expenditures to digital solutions. Blending even some, if not all, classes will make a difference. 

Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Higher ed’s response to ransomware attacks lagged other sectors, survey suggests - Natalie Schwartz, Higher Ed Dive

The Sophos survey found that higher education institutions worldwide reported the slowest ransomware attack recovery times across all polled sectors. Two in five higher education institutions took more than a month to recover. In contrast, only one in five institutions across all tracked sectors in the survey — including healthcare, business and construction — reported the same.  Almost two-thirds of higher education institutions, 64%, said they were hit by ransomware in the past year. Around half of respondents said cyber attacks have increased in volume, complexity and impact. 

Tuesday, August 9, 2022

5 effortless tactics for better learning experiences - Jennifer Reed, eCampus News

According to the Lumina Foundation, a full 38 percent of undergraduate students are over the age of 25, and 46 percent are first-generation college students. Many of these students have obligations, like jobs and families, that their younger peers don’t have. It’s not surprising that, at the same rate, students with extra responsibilities struggle to continue their education beyond the first year. How can you take the content that your learners need and make it more engaging and interesting? Is that even possible? Yes, it is, and below are five simple strategies that you can use to engage your learners and keep them coming back to learn more.

Monday, August 8, 2022

Over half of higher ed employees likely to seek another job, survey finds - Jeremy Bauer-Wolf, Higher Ed Dive

More than half of college employees reported they are likely to leave their jobs in the next year in a new survey from the College and University Professional Association for Human Resources, CUPA-HR. The most common reason workers gave for seeking new employment was the prospect of higher pay, followed by an opportunity to work remotely, and more flexible work hours. Nearly two-thirds of respondents reported they’re working mostly or completely on campus, but almost 70% wanted to work remotely at least part time.

Sunday, August 7, 2022

Major Returns for Adult Learners Going Back to College - Sara Weissman, Inside Higher Ed

A new report by Lightcast, a company that provides labor market data, found that going back to college is an especially good investment for adults learners. An analysis of more than 125 million online career profiles found that this group was 22 percent more likely to achieve upward mobility and earned annual salaries 140 percent greater than peers who didn't return to college. Adult learners earned an average of $7,500 more per year after returning to college.

Saturday, August 6, 2022

Arizona Global Campus Absorbs Its Outsourced Online Program Manager - Doug Lederman and Susan D'Agostino, Inside Higher Ed

University buys assets of publicly traded Zovio to bring management of its roughly 28,000 online students in-house, citing online program management’s “inherent conflict.” Glad you finally noticed, critics say. Arizona took what it hopes is a major step toward re-establishing control over its new online arm and easing that one major objection to its partnership by announcing that it was buying the online program management assets of Zovio and incorporating its operations and employees into the university. “This really severs our present from the past,” Pastorek said. “The [U.S.] Education Department believes that having such a large part of the business as a for-profit is unseemly. This change takes away the angst that the department has.”

Friday, August 5, 2022

Higher Ed’s Data and Analytics Infrastructure Is Outdated, Finds an Educause Report - IBL News

Existing data infrastructures in higher education institutions are outdated and disorganized, while these organizations are struggling to implement data governance systems and are lagging behind the adoption of AI and big data analytics products. These are conclusions that Educause researchers found in a recent Horizon Report 54-pages report focused on Data and Analytics.

Thursday, August 4, 2022

Ransomware Attacks Against Higher Ed Increase - Susan D'Agostino, Inside Higher Ed

Colleges and universities experienced a surge in ransomware attacks in 2021, and those attacks had significant operational and financial costs, according to a new report. Nearly three-quarters (74 percent) of ransomware attacks on higher ed institutions succeeded. Hackers’ efforts in other sectors were not as fruitful, including in business, health care and financial services, where respectively 68 percent, 61 percent and 57 percent of attacks succeeded. For this reason, cybercriminals may view colleges and universities as soft targets for ransomware attacks, given their above-average success rate in encrypting higher education institutions’ data.

Wednesday, August 3, 2022

This online university has a lower acceptance rate than Harvard - RYNNAAS AZLAN, Study International

\Minerva University in San Francisco, US, joins the ranks of world-class institutions like Harvard, Columbia, and Oxford when it comes to a highly selective admissions process. In 2020, the online university announced in a press release that it had less than a 1% acceptance rate. Here are some interesting facts about this one-of-a-kind institute:  Online learning is the only option at Minerva University. Even grades are awarded differently than in a traditional institution. Your grades are determined by your interactions with your classmates, speaking up in class, and not by learning passively.

Tuesday, August 2, 2022

Obstacles Women Face at Work - Ellery Weil, Best Colleges

From a glance, women have made tremendous progress in the fight for workplace equality over the past few decades. As recently as the 1970s, women could not apply for credit cards without having a male guarantor. And women could legally be fired for being pregnant. Times have changed. In fact, we now know that companies with more gender diversity in managerial roles are 63% more productive than companies with male-dominated management. Sexism and patriarchal attitudes have lives of their own. They may stem from a patriarchal history, but in today's culture, at times, some men may show less sexist attitudes than some women.

Monday, August 1, 2022

The Metaverse and Web 3.0: Embedding Ourselves into the Internet - Ray Schroeder, Eurpean Business Review

We are embarking on an online environment transformation that is every bit as revolutionary as the inception of the Web browser in 1992.  The Metaverse will supplant the browser for many of our activities.  We will immerse ourselves through avatars to engage in commerce, education, and social exchanges.  Now is the time to prepare for the transition. [While I wrote this for businesses, the messages are much the same for higher ed - the Metaverse is upon us - we must prepare - Ray]