Wednesday, March 22, 2023

3 ways higher ed can reduce the workforce skills gap - Laura Ascione, eCampus News

Many of today’s workplace-based issues arise from a failure to view postsecondary education from a holistic standpoint, says Amrit Ahluwalia, senior director of content and strategic insights at Modern Campus. “These gaps exist because different education providers tend to focus strongly on specific learning outcomes, instead of thinking holistically about a learner’s journey,” Ahluwalia said. “Individuals typically enroll in education programs to get the skills they need to be successful at work. But they also need a pathway or plan that’s going to help them continue to advance and grow over the course of their career. For universities, this means ensuring students are learning critical soft skills—but also how to apply them in real world scenarios. For colleges and bootcamps, it means ensuring students are building the soft skills they will need over the long term while helping them develop technical competencies that are in-demand right now.”