Wednesday, October 25, 2023

An algorithm predicts the academic performance of distance education students - Gámez-Granados, J.C., Esteban, A., Rodríguez-Lozano, F.J. et al., AAAS and EurekAlert!

A team from the University of Cordoba has designed a model, based on fuzzy logic, that predicts the performance of online education students, dividing them into 4 categories and helping professors give more personalized assistance to each student, tailored to their situations. Distance education has democratized access to knowledge, overcoming problems of time and space. The flexibility and accessibility of this type of system has increased the number of people educated via online platforms. However, due to its large numbers of students, and the lack of the kind of close interaction that classrooms make possible, professors face a big problem: the difficulty of monitoring and adapting learning to their students. Tools based on Artificial Intelligence can help professors predict their students' performance so that they can adapt their educational strategies to their different learning situations.