Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Exclusive: Employers Are Souring On Ivy League Grads, While These 20 “New Ivies” Ascend - Emma Whitford, Forbes

 For the entirety of America’s existence, the Ivy League has provided an essential service. In sorting the best and the brightest upon admission and then rigorously educating them, these “Ancient Eight” universities have provided employers, investors and even voters a meritocratic seal of approval. Some one-third of U.S. presidents and the current Forbes 400 list of richest Americans are Ivy alums, as well as eight sitting members of the Supreme Court. “33% of those making hiring decisions said they are less likely to hire Ivy League graduates today than five years ago. Only 7% said they were more likely to hire them.” Also, “42% of hiring managers are more likely to hire public university grads than they were five years ago.”