Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Higher Education’s Role in the Era of the Great Resignation - Ray Schroeder, Inside Higher Ed

The numbers are startling: in the wake of deadly COVID infections, quarantines and isolation, nearly 3 percent of the entire U.S. workforce resigned in the month of August alone. What is higher ed’s role in reshaping careers and lives?  Among the millions of people who have quit their jobs in recent months and those who are expected to continue this trend through the end of year, how can higher education help them reskill, upskill or change career paths to better meet their needs? We have a few clues as to what they desire. As expected, more income seems to be among the factors they are seeking. However, it is not all about money and flexibility. Over the past two years, we have seen again and again that an empathetic and supportive working culture is valued highly by employees. The pandemic has advanced the importance of well-being, inclusiveness, innovation and entrepreneurship. We should be sure to model these practices in the delivery of all programs.