Monday, June 7, 2021

What Gen Z workers want - DAVID MEYER, CEO Daily

People from "Generation Z" (those born after 1995) have very high expectations of their employers' values—a fact that's made clear in new research conducted by marketing agency Lewis for the HeForShe gender-equality movement. Most eye-catchingly, the study shows a paltry 19% of Gen Z workers would join a company that they don't feel shares their values. And two-thirds of the survey's 2,600 respondents from around the world said company values were more important than the firm's leadership. Which values? Gender and racial diversity top the list. Just over two-fifths of the respondents said they would join a company that lacks the requisite diversity, but only if it had a strong diversity, equity and inclusion program in place, to try to improve. The same proportion said CEOs should be judged by their commitment to solving social issues.