Thursday, March 14, 2024

Captain's log: the irreducible weirdness of prompting AIs - Ethan Mollick, One Useful Thing

I have spent a lot of time with GPT-4, and I had a good intuition for its “personality.” I get how it “thinks.” You can learn this sort of intuition by putting in the time to experiment yourself. People who use AI a lot are often able to glance at a prompt and tell you why it might succeed or fail. Like all forms of expertise, this comes with experience - usually at least 10 hours of work with a model. And while most advanced models work in similar ways, if I want to get really good at a new model, like Google Advanced, that takes another 10 hours to learn its quirks. Plus, models evolve over time, so the way you use GPT-4 now is different than a few months ago, requiring even more time.