Saturday, March 23, 2024

Michigan Hybrid Program Aims to Reach 50,000 Adult Students - Lauren Coffey, Inside Higher Ed

 Now the two have teamed up to launch what they call a first-of-its-kind hybrid program within Grand Valley State University—with an ambitious mission of reaching 50,000 students in the first five years. “It’s a bold goal. It’s a high impact goal,” Mantella said. “But we’re committed to it and not afraid to say it.” The program is the latest in a growing number of state initiatives to help adult learners. Half of Michigan’s adult population—those 25 years old and older—do not have a post-secondary degree, and another 2 million have some college but no degree. For many years, institutions have zeroed in on adult learners by offering online degrees, which are seen as more flexible for those working and often parenting.