Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Report: The Advantages that AI Brings to Higher Ed - Arrman Kyaw, Diverse Education

“In the case of South Carolina State University, I think they gained 400 staff hours by using customer service chatbots,” she said. “The cultural responsiveness of staff at HBCUs and really the beauty of community of HBCUs, is the people.” South Carolina State has used AI in its admissions efforts. The school’s incoming classes have grown because of these efforts, with 53% more enrollees for the first year, said Dr. Manicia J. Finch, vice president for enrollment management at the institution. “Next, we are building the infrastructure to enable even more seamless student supports – which may include more AI tools,” Finch said. AI also presents schools an additional way to accommodate students with disabilities, with digital tools that can record and summarize lectures and information, the report noted.