Saturday, April 20, 2024

The Role of Education Research in a Campus-wide Commitment to Advancing Ethical Artificial Intelligence - A Q&A with Jing Liu, University of Maryland College of Education

My work focuses on how to leverage AI to support educators with their teaching and professional development and simultaneously honor their central position in education. Doing this work requires strong domain knowledge in education theory and practice and cutting-edge AI techniques, as well as a participatory process that involves working with educators, students and school leaders directly. Over my years of working in this space, I see that to use AI to transform education for good and truly benefit educators and students, all of these elements are critical. I believe AIM will be able to support all these aspects and help UMD strengthen its leading position in AI and education research. I also really appreciate that AIM puts ethical and trustworthy use of AI front and center, which is extremely important for research and applications at the intersection of AI and education.